"Connection Lost" message when trying to use Mobile Microphone in Wireless Microphone Mode

"Connection Lost" message when trying to use Mobile Microphone in Wireless Microphone Mode

This message lets you know that the desktop client you were last connected to is no longer available. 

To reconnect, tap the "Tap Here To Select A Voice Client" and choose your desktop client again.

There are a number of reasons why this error may occur. We'll explain the possible causes;

The desktop application is no longer running or internet connectivity has been lost

In order for the Mobile Microphone to do it's job, it must be connected to a desktop client that will display the recognized text created from the Mobile Microphone. If there is no connected desktop client, the text has no where to go.  We have no way of alerting the Mobile Microphone is the desktop app is closed so we make sure to check on most actions to confirm it is still connected. If it isn't, we let you know.

The computer running the desktop application has gone to sleep or is locked (macOS)

If you are using Talkingvet for macOS and the computer locks or goes to sleep, we automatically de-register, or disconnect, the desktop client to prevent you from being able to try and dictate when the desktop application is not available.  As soon as your computer wakes or you unlock it, the desktop application automatically reconnects and you can resume dictating.
If you find this happens frequently, you can adjust the Power and Display settings on your mac to increase the time before it locks or goes to sleep.
Note that when you are in the act of dictating, the desktop application gracefully asks macOS to not go to sleep. Once your dictation is done, then tell macOS that it can go back to sleeping when needed.

The desktop application microphone mode has changed

Although this is unlikely, if you were to change your microphone mode from Smartphone to Local mode, that would cause the Mobile Microphone to disconnect as well.

Your phone has lost internet connectivity

The Mobile Microphone application checks to make sure the desktop application is still connected on a regular basis. If your iPhone loses internet connectivity, the Mobile Microphone application can't check to confirm it is still connected to to be safe, it will assume it has disconnected.
The quickest way to check if you're connected to the internet is to open Safari and try loading a page.
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