Talkingvet Mobile Microphone Settings Overview

Talkingvet Mobile Microphone Settings Overview

The Talkingvet Mobile Microphone has a number of user configurable settings to allow you to configure the application as you need it. Here is an overview of these settings.

Wireless Mic Settings

Show Help:

Opens the online help for Talkingvet Mobile Microphone

Default Shortcut Behaviour:

The default shortcut behaviour is a single tap activates voice shortcuts and holding down the shortcut button brings up the Quick Access Shortcuts. You can switch this behaviour by toggling the setting switch

Haptic Button Feedback:

This enables or disables haptic feedback on various button taps. Haptic feedback is that light vibration when tapping a button. 

Voice Match Alerts:

This settings determines whether you get a notification on your iPhone/iPad if you attempt a voice shortcut and there is no match. If there is no match, you will get a small temporary popup showing you what didn't match. This can be helpful in determining why a voice shortcut didn't work. It is enable by default

Disable Screen Sleep:

This setting disables the screen sleep function when recording. If you are dictating a longer report, it is possible that your iPhone/iPad screen will turn off based on your iPhone setting. Enabling this ensures the screen won't turn off when recording.

Voice Shortcut Record Time:

This determines the amount of time the application will listen for your voice shortcut command before processing. If you find that your Voice Shortcuts aren't matching, you can always increase this to allow you more time to say your voice command

Dictation Settings:

Default Speaker Playback:

This enables playback through the speaker by default. You can change the setting at any time within the dictation module as well.

Default Overwrite Mode:

By default, the dictation app in in Overwrite mode. What this means is that if you rewind to the beginning of a file and start dictating, you will overwrite what you have dictated. This works the same as if you were using an old analog cassette recorder. If you disable this setting, the default record mode will be Insert. This means that if you rewind back in a file and then start dictating, the new audio you dictate will be inserted at the insertion point instead of overwriting. You can also change this on the fly in the Dictation Module as needed.

Use Default Job ID:

When creating dictations for backend, or offline, recognition, you are required to enter an identifier such as patient name, chart number etc... to be able to locate the file in the Talkingvet Dictation Portal. If you would prefer to have this value auto populated with a date/time stamp, enable this.


Start with Wireless Mic:

By default, when you launch the Talkingvet Mobile Microphone, it starts with the Wireless Mic Module for front end speech to text. If you prefer to have the Dictation Module show at launch, disable this switch

Application Version, Logged In As, Logged In To:

This shows you the application version, who you are logged in as and which environment you are logged in to

Privacy Policy:

This displays the Talkingvet Privacy Policy

Change Password:

This allows you to change your Talkingvet account password. Note: If you are logged into other Talkingvet apps such as Talkingvet for Windows, Talkingvet for macOS, you will automatically get logged out of those apps after changing the password. Also, the password strength is set at the organization level and will be enforced here as well.

Sign out:

This signs you out of the application


Reset Tutorials:

The first time you launch the app after installing, you will be presented with some short tutorials on using the app. You can reset the tutorials if you want to run through them again by tapping this option

Use Websockets: (New as of version 1.11)

Currently this only applies to shortcuts and will be enabled by default. This uses a much more efficient and faster way of using voice shortcuts. You should only turn this off if advised by support. It won't break anything but will add significant time to use voice shortcuts

Auto Region Detection:

This setting attempts to detect your current country to set the correct default login server. You will have the option to manually change the server at the login screen if needed

Upload Logs:

If you run into any issues with the application, our support team may request you to send them the application logs. Tapping this will automatically gather your logfiles and upload to our servers where we can review them as needed for support issues.